Empowered Women Transform our World

You are ready to explore further and deeper. There’s an entire world of possibility you’ve been window shopping until now.

You are ready to level up. Whether with a fresh position, career, relationship, phase of life, or simply a new interest.

You want to find balance within yourself. In the midst of all the noise around you, you want to learn how to maintain focus on what’s most important for you!

You have a deep passion that fuels your mission. It’s time to make it (more) real.

You know there is more just on the other side of your everyday. Discover it and Shine ON!

I invite you to schedule a complimentary 30-minute session to explore how you want to grow.

Make an Appointment

The Fireflies Coaching Framework

While each engagement is customized to your needs, this structure allows us to explore and progress effectively towards your goals.

Hi, I’m Zahra.

As a Leadership Coach, I specialize in helping women step into their own power to create the best out of themselves and those around them. Allow me to share my journey…

More About Zahra

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