What is your light?

Intro to Coaching

What is Coaching?

“Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.” – International Coaching Federation (ICF).

At the simplest level, coaching is a professionally guided dialogue with the purpose of supporting you on your journey. This support may come in the form of love, encouragement, challenging, difficult truth-telling, an objective perspective, and even accountability partnering.

While coaching employs tools similar to and, at times, overlapping with consulting or therapy, it is distinct from both. It imperative to understand each modality before deciding which will serve you best. As a coach, I will NOT:

  • assess your mental health, diagnose or treat illnesses. I am not a medical professional.
  • give you THE answer. Unlike consulting, coaching is based on the principle that you possess the answers you need and the role of a coach is to help you uncover them.
  • explore the past. A coach’s focus is on who you are in the present and envision in the future
How Coaching Works

Consultation – this initial meeting is to gauge our chemistry. Having a strong connection is important to foster the trust, confidence and respect needed to build our relationship.

Agreement – documenting our agreement on the parameters of our engagement

Foundation Session – Initial session to refine and fully understand what you want through developing a vision for your longer-term future and setting mid-term goals to get you there.

On-going Coaching Sessions – these are our continuing dialogues with the purpose of motivating you, helping you uncover what’s holding you back, ..… They will be conducted in-person, via audio or video conferencing.

Reinforcing Actions – these are actions or inquiries you commit to implementing between sessions. Their purpose is to further embed the take-aways gathered during the session into your daily life.

Completion Session – This final session will be to complete our engagement with reflecting on your journey thus far and setting you up for your future.

Curious about what a coaching engagement looks like?
View My Coaching Programs

What core values do you live by?

    Email Zahra